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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Brad Sproat Drunken Rhinos B garbage 43

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 11 of 17 (.647) 7th 50th 269th
Total Points 43 1st 26th 133rd
Total Wins 17 of 29 (.586) 3rd 33rd 178th
Total All Stars 1 1st 16th 60th
Triples 7012 of 7 (.286)7th56th334th
Doubles 6015 of 11 (.455)3rd34th196th
Singles 50110 of 11 (.909)1st12th46th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
March 28, 2022


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games1 Win5 Undefeated2 Losses 
Triples 7013 Losses1 Win3 Losses 
Doubles 6014 Losses3 Undefeated4 Losses 
Singles 5018 Wins8 Wins1 Loss 

 Match Details & Results

Triples 701

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 7, 2022L@ GoodtimersSteve Green + Brad Sproat + Gerard Fitzgearald Mark Desousa + Tony Stewart + John Brodie
February 28, 2022L Bull HuntersSteve Wilson + Brad Sproat + Steve Green Luke Lecours + Ron North Jr + Jon Rogers
February 14, 2022L@ Wired OutGerard Fitzgearald + Steve Green + Brad Sproat Bob Hood + Chris McMurter
February 7, 2022W Bull ShootersGerard Fitzgearald + Steve Green + Brad Sproat Gary Davis + Terry Adams + Tim Mitchell
December 6, 2021L Bull ShootersWendy Weston + Bill Mutimer + Brad Sproat Darrell Boyd + Deb Moon + Tim Herbacko
November 15, 2021W GoodtimersWendy Weston + Mark Weston + Brad Sproat Mark Desousa + Tony Stewart + Ian Brodie
November 1, 2021L Wired OutWendy Weston + Frank Brown + Brad Sproat Bob Hood + Darrin Parks + Sean Dunning

Doubles 601

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 11, 2022L@ Bull HuntersBrad Sproat + Gerard Fitzgearald Ron North Jr + Jon Rogers
April 4, 2022L@ Bull ShootersMark Weston + Brad Sproat John Boyle + Darrell Boyd
March 28, 2022L Free AgentsSteve Wilson + Brad Sproat Phillip Pappin + Mike Vincent
March 14, 2022L Come Back KidsMark Weston + Brad Sproat Brianna Robia + Phil Phillips
March 7, 2022W@ GoodtimersBrad Sproat + Steve Green Mark Desousa + John Brodie
February 28, 2022L Bull HuntersBill Mutimer + Brad Sproat Devin Hilge + Ron North Jr
February 14, 2022W@ Wired OutGerard Fitzgearald + Brad Sproat Sean Dunning
February 7, 2022L Bull ShootersTerry Cooke + Brad Sproat Gary Davis + Deb Moon
December 6, 2021W Bull ShootersMark Weston + Brad Sproat Tim Herbacko + Tim Mitchell
November 15, 2021W GoodtimersMark Weston + Brad Sproat Dave Parsons + Dave Smith
November 1, 2021W Wired OutMark Weston + Brad Sproat Gabe Beauparlant + Bob Hood

Singles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
April 11, 2022W@ Bull HuntersBrad SproatBrett Laing
April 4, 2022W@ Bull ShootersBrad SproatTim Herbacko
March 28, 2022W Free AgentsBrad SproatBilly Small
March 14, 2022W Come Back KidsBrad SproatLatressa Skrzyniak
March 7, 2022W@ GoodtimersBrad SproatJohn Brodie
February 28, 2022W Bull HuntersBrad SproatDave Reid
February 14, 2022W@ Wired OutBrad SproatGabe Beauparlant
February 7, 2022W Bull ShootersBrad SproatGary Davis
December 6, 2021L Bull ShootersBrad SproatGary Davis
November 15, 2021W GoodtimersBrad SproatJohn Brodie
November 1, 2021W Wired OutBrad SproatGabe Beauparlant

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Triples 701

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Mark Weston + Wendy Weston 1.000 1 1 0
Steve Green + Gerard Fitzgearald .333 3 1 2
Steve Wilson + Steve Green 0.000 1 0 1
Bill Mutimer + Wendy Weston 0.000 1 0 1
Wendy Weston + Frank Brown 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 601

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Steve Green 1.000 1 1 0
Mark Weston .600 5 3 2
Gerard Fitzgearald .500 2 1 1
Steve Wilson 0.000 1 0 1
Bill Mutimer 0.000 1 0 1
Terry Cooke 0.000 1 0 1
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