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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Lisa Kelley Knickerbocker No Skill, Just Lucky! D 11

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 4 of 12 (.333) 8th 29th 175th
Total Points 11 7th 29th 171st
Total Wins 7 of 18 (.389) 7th 28th 168th
601 Triples2 of 2 (1.000)5th23rd127th
Cricket Doubles3 of 4 (.750)2nd19th96th
3011 of 4 (.250)6th26th148th
Patriot Doubles0 of 4 (0.000)8th30th180th
501 Doubles1 of 4 (.250)7th28th163rd

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
Low Dart 601244  
Low Dart Doubles 501331  
Low Dart Doubles Cricket138  

 All Stars Details

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
October 30, 2019
Low Dart 601147  
Low Dart Doubles 501131  
Low Dart Doubles Cricket138  
October 23, 2019
Low Dart Doubles 501131  
October 17, 2019
Low Dart 601144  
Low Dart Doubles 501135  


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games3 Losses2 Undefeated3 Losses 
601 Triples2 Wins2 WinsN/A 
Cricket Doubles3 Wins3 Wins1 Loss 
3012 Losses1 Win2 Losses 
Patriot Doubles4 LossesN/A4 Losses 
501 Doubles3 Losses1 Win3 Losses 

 Match Details & Results

601 Triples

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 30, 2019W@ Knickerbocker No Willy's Just SteadyShaun Jennison + Nicole Poliquin + Lisa Kelley Chris Richards + Keith Sanborn + Robbie Crawson
October 17, 2019W@ Capt Johns BulldawgsShaun Jennison + Jen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Alan Leahy + Mark Kloetzer

Cricket Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 13, 2019W Joker's Hit That ShitJack Lopes + Lisa Kelley Bob Carroll + Ray Otero
October 30, 2019W@ Knickerbocker No Willy's Just SteadyShaun Jennison + Lisa Kelley Elbi Alba + Lauralee Hudson
October 23, 2019W@ Joker's Hit That ShitJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Chris Palmer + Bob Carroll
October 17, 2019L@ Capt Johns BulldawgsJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Dennis Savard + Alan Leahy


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 13, 2019L Joker's Hit That ShitLisa KelleyChris Kalivas
October 30, 2019L@ Knickerbocker No Willy's Just SteadyLisa KelleyElbi Alba
October 23, 2019W@ Joker's Hit That ShitLisa KelleyChris Palmer
October 17, 2019L@ Capt Johns BulldawgsLisa KelleyMark Kloetzer

Patriot Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 13, 2019L Joker's Hit That ShitJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Megan Savard + Bob Carroll
October 30, 2019L@ Knickerbocker No Willy's Just SteadyJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Diane Rogers + Chris Richards
October 23, 2019L@ Joker's Hit That ShitJack Lopes + Lisa Kelley Chris Palmer + Sherri Gibbons
October 17, 2019L@ Capt Johns BulldawgsJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Dennis Savard + Alan Leahy

501 Doubles

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 13, 2019L Joker's Hit That ShitNicole Poliquin + Lisa Kelley Kevin Savard + Ray Otero
October 30, 2019L@ Knickerbocker No Willy's Just SteadyJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Robbie Crawson + Ed Amos
October 23, 2019L@ Joker's Hit That ShitLisa Kelley + Alina Retana Sherri Gibbons + Chris Kalivas
October 17, 2019W@ Capt Johns BulldawgsJen Lessard + Lisa Kelley Jackie Laferriere + Mark Kloetzer

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

601 Triples

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Nicole Poliquin + Shaun Jennison 1.000 1 1 0
Jen Lessard + Shaun Jennison 1.000 1 1 0

Cricket Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jack Lopes 1.000 1 1 0
Shaun Jennison 1.000 1 1 0
Jen Lessard .500 2 1 1

Patriot Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jen Lessard 0.000 3 0 3
Jack Lopes 0.000 1 0 1

501 Doubles

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jen Lessard .500 2 1 1
Nicole Poliquin 0.000 1 0 1
Alina Retana 0.000 1 0 1
There are no penalties or bonuses for this player.

Fall 2014

Award Name Place Description Week/Date
Game of the Week Week 9

Winter 2014

Game of the Week Week 7

Fall 2013

Game of the Week Week 4
Game of the Week Week 10

Summer 2012

Game of the Week week 7

Winter 2012

Game of the Week Wk3 Winter 2012

Winter 2011

Game of the Week Winter 2011 Week 7
Game of the Week Winter 2011 Week 6
Game of the Week Winter 2011 Week 3