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Pos Name Team Name WP CD501SSOS601D W/L PPW AS 121+140+1801717C8C9C4B5B6BHF1HF1HHF2HF2HHF3HF3H AVG PTS
1Keith MedenblikWild Wings 12827-120-70.54522-669-147.54331613300100000000000.831211
2Gary RoddaWild Wings 12420-317-70.57321-358-138.21452514203100000000000.817197
3Rick SmithWild Wings 12519-321-40.50818-758-147.7642201210610000211600000.806194
4John ReaumeWild Wings 12622-320-60.53622-464-1372210530200010111600000.831182
5Tom LavigneWild Wings 12423-117-60.43616-556-126.672212700101000111600000.824160
6Adam Da PonteWild Wings 12019-119-10.41719-157-37.91566201000000000000.950158
7Ed LovelockWild Wings 12723-417-80.45318-758-195.63157400200000213000000.753152
8Steve FosterWild Wings 12622-413-120.52418-853-245.691887201000000000000.688148
9Don GrisbrookWild Wings 11614-212-40.51914-240-8826118106000000000000.833128
10Ross DoanWild Wings 11211-19-30.48110-230-66.42531100000000000000.83377

WP - Weeks Played
CD - Cricket Doubles2
501S - 501 Singles2
601D - 601 Doubles2
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
121+ - 121+ (1 point)
140+ - 140+ (2 points)
180 - 180 (3 Points)
171 - 171 (3 Points)
7C - 7 Count (1 point)
8C - 8 Count (2 points)
9C - 9 Count (3 points)
4B - 4 Bulls (1 points)
5B - 5 Bulls (2 points)
6B - 6 Bulls (3 points)
HF1 - High Finish (1 point)
HF2 - High Finish (2 points)
HF3 - High Finish (3 points)
PTS - Points
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