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The following problem occurred in print-stats.php: get stats:

Unknown column 'ps2.night' in 'where clause'

select ps.*, sp.teamid, p.gender, psc.combinedscore from playerstat ps, playerstatcomb psc, player p, seasonplayer sp, seasonteam st where ps.playerid=p.playerid and p.playerid=sp.playerid and sp.teamid=st.teamid and'Y' and ps.night='NA' and ps2.night='NA' and psc.night='NA' and ps.playerid=psc.playerid and st.seasonid=175 and ps.seasonid=175 and psc.seasonid=175 and sp.seasonid=175 and ps.statid='pts' and sp.teamid=1653 and ps.playerid in (select distinct playerid from playerstat where seasonid=175 and (statid='PLD' or statid='AS') and score>0 and night='NA') order by teamrank asc