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Pos Name Division WP D5Legs301LegsDCrktLegs PPW AS SharpCkt SSTot SSHiInHiInHHiOutHiOutHC5C6C7C8C9B3B4B5B610Drt9Dart3Bed180 AVG PTS
1Knights of Columbus 2ECDL1548-13-102-25-61-8-14.071921046711160411846813001110000040.586211
1Rocky's 2ECDL1560-11-112-24-56-11-15.218111203151521112348600930000000.633228
1Yale Terrace BreweryECDL1573-4-130-13-77-3-18.671861019413122101084148001410010000.778280
1Corner BarECDL1526-23-66-37-15-26-7.1388456512108188215111411000000.297107
1Yale 2ECDL1536-17-71-37-43-16-101337601997182327400800000010.417150
1Westfield American LegionECDL38-4-10-10-3-5-71889431120013100100000000.29221
1Knights of Columbus 1ECDL310-3-12-9-2-6-82212731920023000310000000.33324
1Rocky's 1ECDL1548-14-119-21-55-11-14.81558784811251083564001400000020.617222
1Westfield 2ECDL1527-21-44-47-20-25-6.0794484414109279200200810100000.25391

WP - Weeks Played
D5 - Doubles 501(new)
301 - Singles 301
DCrkt - Doubles Cricket
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
Sharp - Sharpshooters
HiIn - High In
HiOut - High Out
C5 - C5
C6 - C6
C7 - C7
C8 - C8
C9 - C9
B3 - B3
B4 - B4
B5 - B5
B6 - B6
10Drt - 10 Dart Game
9Dart - 9 Dart Game
3Bed - Three in a Bed
180 - 180's
PTS - Points
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