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Pos Name Team Name WP 301Legs1001301S501D501SOSLegs601601701701801801CRICKCRICSSOS W/L PPW AS OuthOutLegOOffAOffAHOffBOffBHHiOnAHiOnAHHiOnBHiOnBHT71+Ro9DE6Lo501Lo301 AVG PTS
1Shawn WilliamsBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's100-00-00-04-40-08-20.50817-84-40-03-10-00-02-45-40-00.00026-1937.5278161289000000000000.578375
2Justin KirkendallBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's90-00-00-03-60-03-40.6006-94-30-02-20-00-03-45-30-10.70020-2336.6720106000111818100100010.465330
3Jimmy TerrillBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's100-00-00-04-60-04-60.52512-146-20-01-00-00-06-46-30-00.00027-2132.52088400000000000000.563325
4Tom JohnsonBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's80-00-00-04-40-00-20.6111-43-20-05-10-00-04-44-20-10.66720-1630.8815901000049200000010.556247
5Jimmy TrainerBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's80-00-00-01-60-00-00.0000-01-20-03-20-00-03-34-45-30.52417-2030.7512110000000000010000.459246
6Diana SolomonBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's100-00-00-03-70-00-10.5000-21-10-03-10-00-02-54-40-00.00013-191032000000110700000000.406100
7Hannah KubikBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's100-00-00-02-30-00-00.0000-00-10-06-00-00-02-22-40-00.00012-109.6440000000000000000.54596
8Rush WeigeltBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's90-00-00-01-20-00-00.0000-02-20-03-20-00-04-20-50-00.00010-1310440000000000000000.43590
9Patrick ChristopherBlack Sheep - Sick Sons of Mitch's80-00-00-00-00-00-00.0000-01-10-02-30-00-04-20-10-00.0007-77.88330000000000000000.50063

WP - Weeks Played
301 - 301 Doubles D/D 2/3
1001 - 1001 Quads S/D 1/1
301S - 301 Doubles D/D 1/1
501D - 501 Doubles S/D 1/1
501 - 501 Singles S/D 2/3
601 - 601 Doubles S/D 1/1
601 - 601 Triples S/D 1/1
701 - 701 Quads D/D 1/1
701 - 701 Triples S/D 1/1
801 - 801 Quads S/D 1/1
801 - 801 Triples S/D 1/1
CRICK - Cricket Doubles 1/1
CRICS - Cricket Singles 1/1
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
Out - Out
hOut - HalfOut
LegO - LegOut
OffA - HiOffA
OffB - HiOffB
HiOnA - HiOnA
HiOnB - HiOnB
T71+ - T71+
Ro9 - Round of 9
DE6 - Dead Eye
Lo501 - <=15 dart 501
Lo301 - <=11 dart 301
PTS - Points
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