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Scouting Report

The Impeccable Six - Most Successful Teams

501 Doubles-1

Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
Barb Bennett + Don Dimwoodie 11 4 .364
Gloria Fraser + Cherie Leblanc 1 1 1.000
Barb Bennett + Trish Mills 2 1 .500
Debbie David + Trish Mills 3 1 .333
Cherie Leblanc + Trish Mills 6 1 .167


Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
Trish Mills 14 9 .643
Don Dimwoodie 14 8 .571
Cherie Leblanc 14 7 .500
Debbie David 13 6 .462

501 Doubles-2

Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
Debbie David + Cherie Leblanc 9 4 .444
Barb Bennett + Don Dimwoodie 11 3 .273
Debbie David + Trish Mills 1 1 1.000
Debbie David + Don Dimwoodie 1 1 1.000
Cherie Leblanc 1 1 1.000

The Impeccable Six - Probable Line-up

501 Doubles-1

Position Team Games Played
1 Barb Bennett + Don Dimwoodie 10
2 Cherie Leblanc + Trish Mills 5


Position Team Games Played
3 Trish Mills 5
4 Trish Mills 7
5 Debbie David 4
5 Cherie Leblanc 4
5 Don Dimwoodie 4
6 Cherie Leblanc 7

501 Doubles-2

Position Team Games Played
7 Barb Bennett + Don Dimwoodie 8
8 Debbie David + Cherie Leblanc 6