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Pos Name Team Name WP AVG 1001D501701LegsS-CrkSOSLegsD-Crk501SOSLegs W/L PPW AS H OUT80-99100+140+1805/6ct7 ct8 ct9 ct3bull4bull5bull6bull PTS
1Nick KramerMidway Monsters 140.4060-06-52-03-015-180.43515-187-511-200.46011-2026-388.7972104301220170008110123
2Anthony GatesMidway Monsters 90.5370-04-52-03-011-110.68811-116-211-80.55911-822-1916.11910311640271009300145
2Colin GelinasMidway Monsters 120.4460-05-62-03-09-170.5289-173-916-140.52016-1425-3113.171000502300205002000158
2Aaron ShufeltMidway Monsters 130.7590-010-32-03-023-60.52823-610-321-80.52121-844-1420.541550493650487017200267
2Kirk ShufeltMidway Monsters 70.6000-03-40-00-06-40.4346-43-36-40.5296-412-811.2949022110010400200079

WP - Weeks Played
1001 - 1001
D501 - Doubles 501
701 - 701
S-Crk - Singles Cricket
D-Crk - Doubles Cricket
501 - Singles 501
PPW - Points per Week
AS - Total All Stars Hit
H OUT - M- High Out
80-99 - A- 80-99
100+ - B- 100-139
140+ - C- 140-179
180 - D- 180
5/6ct - E- 5 & 6 counts
7 ct - F- 7 Count
8 ct - G- 8 Count
9 ct - H- 9 Count
3bull - I- 3 Bulls
4bull - J- 4 Bulls
5bull - K- 5 Bulls
6bull - L- 6 Bulls
PTS - Points
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