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Scouting Report

R.C.L. Br 609 - Terry - Most Successful Teams

Doubles - Cricket

Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
Roy Pritchett + Terry Bartlett 4 4 1.000
Donny Virgilio + Steven Scott 3 3 1.000
George Parsons + Donny Virgilio 4 2 .500
Debralee Roberts + Roy Pritchett 1 1 1.000
Chad Pilger + Michelle Smith 1 1 1.000
Charlotte Hollingshead + Michelle Smith 1 1 1.000
George Parsons + Michelle Smith 1 1 1.000
Steven Scott + Dave Chaddock 1 1 1.000
Debralee Roberts + Michelle Smith 2 1 .500
Chad Pilger + Terry Bartlett 2 1 .500
Roy Pritchett + Trish Rivet 2 1 .500
Steven Scott + Michelle Smith 2 1 .500
Charlotte Hollingshead + George Parsons 3 1 .333

Doubles - 601

Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
Donny Virgilio + Steven Scott 4 3 .750
Chad Pilger + Roy Pritchett 2 2 1.000
Chad Pilger + Michelle Smith 2 2 1.000
George Parsons + Donny Virgilio 2 2 1.000
George Parsons + Michelle Smith 2 2 1.000
Debralee Roberts + Michelle Smith 3 2 .667
Roy Pritchett + Terry Bartlett 3 2 .667
Chad Pilger + Charlotte Hollingshead 1 1 1.000
Charlotte Hollingshead + Michelle Smith 1 1 1.000
George Parsons + Terry Bartlett 1 1 1.000
Terry Bartlett + Dave Chaddock 1 1 1.000
Terry Bartlett + Steven Scott 2 1 .500

Singles - 501

Team Games Played Games Won Winning Percentage
George Parsons 7 6 .857
Terry Bartlett 8 6 .750
Chad Pilger 7 5 .714
Steven Scott 7 5 .714
Debralee Roberts 4 2 .500
Roy Pritchett 7 2 .286
Michelle Smith 7 2 .286
Dave Chaddock 4 1 .250
Donny Virgilio 5 1 .200

R.C.L. Br 609 - Terry - Probable Line-up

Doubles - Cricket

Position Team Games Played
1 Steven Scott + Michelle Smith 2
2 George Parsons + Donny Virgilio 4
3 Debralee Roberts + Charlotte Hollingshead 1
3 Debralee Roberts + Michelle Smith 1
3 Chad Pilger + Michelle Smith 1
3 Chad Pilger + Dave Chaddock 1
3 Charlotte Hollingshead + Roy Pritchett 1
3 Charlotte Hollingshead + George Parsons 1
3 George Parsons + Michelle Smith 1
3 Donny Virgilio + Steven Scott 1
4 Roy Pritchett + Terry Bartlett 4

Doubles - 601

Position Team Games Played
5 Terry Bartlett + Steven Scott 2
6 Debralee Roberts + Michelle Smith 2
6 Donny Virgilio + Steven Scott 2
7 Debralee Roberts + Charlotte Hollingshead 1
7 Chad Pilger + Roy Pritchett 1
7 Chad Pilger + George Parsons 1
7 Chad Pilger + Michelle Smith 1
7 Charlotte Hollingshead + George Parsons 1
7 George Parsons + Michelle Smith 1
7 Terry Bartlett + Trish Rivet 1
7 Donny Virgilio + Steven Scott 1
8 Roy Pritchett + Terry Bartlett 3

Singles - 501

Position Team Games Played
9 Terry Bartlett 3
10 Michelle Smith 3
11 Debralee Roberts 2
11 Donny Virgilio 2
11 Michelle Smith 2
12 Steven Scott 2
12 Michelle Smith 2
13 Chad Pilger 3
14 Chad Pilger 3
15 Roy Pritchett 6
16 George Parsons 7